Monday, December 17, 2012

Designer Scrabble

Last night, Husband and I drank wine, ate chocolate and played Scrabble. It doesn't really matters who wins, it' just the fun of the game, right? Right. So, I won't even mention that I won and I'll get on with my story.

Half way through the game, Husband says, What's "AWA"?

I look at the board and "AWA" is there right next to "CEVA".

A misbehaving E had scooted it's way down the board and by doing that had changed 3 of the words along the way. It was a cluster. It took us 5 minutes to figure out what had gone awry and place all the letters back into words Webster would ok. I know along the way we both thought, albeit for a very short time: That Rascal over there is playing non-sensical words while I got up to get him/her more wine. Last time I get up for wine refills. Humph!

The issue is we have the cheapy version of Scrabble - just a plain ol' folding board with wood letters. Nothing fancy, nothing Delux, nothing Limited. And really, to eliminate this E Scooting Situation we just witnessed, we decided we needed Limited or Delux or this:

Andrew Clifford Capener's Scrabble Typography Limited Edition


It's Scrabble for people who like fonts and interesting things that come in pretty boxes and to top it all off the letters and board are magnetic so no Scooting E!!! I'm in love.

Pretty Box

Pretty Box Inside a Pretty Box 

Pretty Letters on a Pretty Board

Go here for Andrew's website where he talks about his masterpiece.

Go here if you want to buy his masterpiece. There are only 30 left!!!!

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