In college, one of my mentors taught me a little mental exercise / prayer to do every night. I forget to do it most nights. In fact, I'm usually just happy that I remembered to floss. It's a cool exercise and it comes from St. Ignatius Loyola. Each evening, before you go to sleep, you're to go through your entire day and think about all the things that you did that you didn't like or would have changed and forgive yourself for them. Which, when you think about it is pretty awesome - he doesn't say to dwell on them, he says to forgive yourself for them, get over them, move on. After you've done that, you are to go through your day and think of all the things that made you happy or you liked. Big or small - be thankful for each of those things. It's amazing when you stop to think of your entire day how many things you come up with that are happy. They may be as small as your husband coming home with a Reese's Peanut Butter Dark for you to try but really those ARE the things that make life good. So, I think on Fridays, I may post my list of stuff that made me happy during the week. Many may seem inconsequential to others, but to me, they made me smile or laugh or just be happy. Make your own list if you want. I think you'll be surprised.
- I went to yoga for the first time since I broke my wrist last December. I can't do it all, but at least I'm there.
- Neil, at Lowes spent 30 minutes with me trying to find the right bolts to use on my TV wall mounting system. It would have taken me 30 years without him.
- An old friend sent me an email out of the blue. We hadn't talked in years. She makes me laugh.
- Penny jumped in the shower with me Thursday morning. She just sat there and hung out under the faucet. Too cute.
- It was my mom's birthday. I sent her an inappropriate card. I am still laughing at the card in my head.
- I started a blog.
- I framed a piece of art in my powder bath that is kinda just out there and quirky. I love fun art in bathrooms.
- I ate octopus and liked it.
- I saved a voice mail on my phone from my niece and nephew. They called me a "Pantalooness" on the voicemail. What is that? That's funny, that's what it is!!
- My new living room coffee table was delivered. FABULOUS!
- I randomly emailed this picture on the right to my dad. I knew it would make him smile.
- Husband brought home Reese's Peanut Butter Dark for me to try. I ate them both before dinner.
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